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04/28/14 07:06 AM #1    


Donna Omasta (Bryan)

Hey Trudi, Please add my name as well, not being sure I did it appropriately. Thank you, thank you, for all that you all have done with the website. 

The  Best for 2014 for all of us,

Donna Omasta Bryan

05/05/14 02:27 PM #2    

Emily Dora Commean (Walenga)

Hi again, Trudi,  I remembered that Marybeth Brock did not graduate with us.  She returned to Kentucky to finish her senior year.  Susan Jacqueline Dean married a James Bearce.  James was stationed at McDill AFB in 1970 when I visited St. Pete.  In 1973 they moved to Clarkston, Georgia, and I lost contact.  I noticed that Karen Carney is on the "Missing Classmates" list.  I believe she is listed as Karney Irene Carney (Cottrell) deceased 1970 on the "In Memory" list.  Emily Commean

05/07/14 02:02 PM #3    


Patricia Ann Treadwell

Hey Trudi......

It seems like I was always somewhere else and missed the previous reunions.

But, now that I'm ''home'',  I'm looking forward to this.....the BIG one!  Where has the time gone?!

Please add me to the RSVP list.....which I'm hoping will be a long one by October!

Also.....many thanks to you and the committee for all your hard work! smiley

Patti Treadwell


05/19/14 11:09 PM #4    


Kathleen Mayne Gresh

I look forward to attending the reunion. Thank you for the great website and all the work you and other classmates have done to plan the reunion.

Kathy Gresh

07/04/14 01:17 PM #5    


Trudi Price (Massaro)

Email us your pics from your last trip, anniversary,etc.  and a current photo to share!  We're looking for you!

Also please keep our departed classmates in your mind and visit the "In Memory" page.  We honor them and hold the times we had with them to be special.

07/04/14 02:11 PM #6    


Linda Jean Marckese

Just added my name to website.  Amazing look at all the pictures - brings back some wonderful memories.  Will be attending the reunion in Oct. Looking forward to it.  Linda Marckese

07/18/14 10:02 PM #7    


Barbara Minor (Adler)

Hi Trudi, Please add Barbara Minor Adler and Paul Adler as attending the reunion. This website is amazing. I have enjoyed navigating thru it.

08/02/14 12:40 PM #8    


Janie Lee Willson (Bullock)

Hi Trudi,

Bill and I are looking forward to the reunion weekend. Thanks to you and the committee for all your planning and work to set all this up--looking forward to it!

Janie Lee (Willson) Bullock


08/02/14 02:10 PM #9    


Martin Robert Moser

Hi Trudi,

Please add Martin Moser and wife Kathy Moser to the list of attendees for the reunion.   Looking forward to being there.

Please give a big thank you to the Reunion Committee for the many hours it takes to make this happen.

Marty Moser

08/04/14 09:56 PM #10    


Robert Borucki

Hi Trudi,

Please add me to the list of attendees. My wife Beverly and I are now planning to attend. i am looking forward to seeing some of my old classmates. See Ya there.


Bob Borucki

08/09/14 04:47 PM #11    


Susan Wells (Doty)

Trudi , Ray, and all the others,  thank you so much for taking on this job. You all are awesome.The web-site is terrific. Glad someone has the knowledge to do all of this. Looking foreward to seeing  old friends. Susan Wells Doty

10/11/14 02:46 PM #12    


Ruth Kiebler (Thurlow)

I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone again.  My husband's reunion is in Bradenton the previous weekend, Oct. 17-18 so we're making it a great return trip to Florida.  From up here in S. Carolina, I've included a couple of pictures; one is from our back deck this past January with our delightful SNOW and the other is a very recent picture Oct. 1 of one of our favorite places on earth, "Beach Mountain" at Banner Elk, NC.

See ya soon!  Ruth Kiebler (Thurlow)


10/14/14 09:01 PM #13    

John Jackson

John Jackson and wife, Kristen look forward to the event reunion.  

10/15/14 11:05 AM #14    


Barbara Gail Dunkle (Field)

I was just looking at the list of classmates who have signed up for the reunion and was excited to see how many will be there. This promises to be a lot of fun. 

10/16/14 12:51 PM #15    


Gary A. Ater (Ater)

Linda & I just got back from Kauai and it is quite a change going from 80 degree days to 30-40 degree days. Today is much better, up in the 70's. I am looking forward to connecting with everyone this weekend after next.

10/16/14 02:26 PM #16    


John Paul Jones

What a beautiful setting!  You are indeed fortunate to visit that amazing place.

10/17/14 11:02 AM #17    


Carol Smalley (Farley)

The reunion is just a week away.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone.  This will be our second trip to St. Pete this year, as we were there in May for Lynn's' 50 year class reunion from St. Pete Hiigh.  We really had a good time then.  Right now Lynn and I are busy putting flower beds to rest, raking leaves and putting deck furniture away in preparation for that the first snow fall.  The fall colors here are beautiful this year.  We had to take a motorcycle ride yesterday to enjoy probably our last 70 degree day.   Our average high at this time of year is in the mid to high 50's.

10/21/14 02:13 PM #18    


Kathleen Mayne Gresh

Is anyone arriving at the airport around 4 PM on Friday?

10/21/14 08:56 PM #19    


Gary A. Ater (Ater)

If no one is ariving at that time, I will come and get you.

10/22/14 07:48 PM #20    


Kathleen Mayne Gresh

Thank you, Gary. You are kind to offer to pick me up. Barby Dunkle Field has offered to pick me up.


10/23/14 07:30 AM #21    


Susan Traylor (Mortensen)

This is the last day before the reunion, and I want to thank everyone who worked so hard on making this such a special event. I know I have had such a great time helping and getting to know those I had not seen in 50 years.  I also want to thank all of the classmates that are coming. We have a huge turnout and I will be glad to see all of you. I will probably have to ask who you are :)   I hope all of you have a great time. See you all Friday.

 Susie Traylor Mortensen

10/23/14 04:30 PM #22    


Shelby J. Barnes


10/24/14 09:31 AM #23    

Ely A. Arts

Great job by all - looking forward to tonight. 

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